ADHD drug found to cause heart birth defects in newborns… Big Pharma’s suffering and death continues unabated

Every time I open up the local newspaper and glance at the health section, I cringe. Often time, there is a story about a medical struggle, about a family’s fight to cope and recover from a mystery medical diagnosis, cancer, or birth defect. I feel for the families, but wonder what the cause was, whether the family, without knowing it, had been a victim of Big Pharma’s toxic side-effect ridden drugs.

Take for instance the family whose child was born with a heart defect. I ask myself questions like, “What was the baby exposed to in the womb?” “Did the mother use prescription drugs at the time of conception and throughout the pregnancy?” “What nutrients were missing from their life in those crucial nine months?” “What kind of prescription drug side effects or environmental toxins was this small, developing fetus burdened with during their nine-month stay in the womb?” “How did these unnatural chemical changes affect the baby’s genes, organs, and cells, from the start?”

There is no reason to trust medical authorities, often so deceived by bad pharmaceutical science. There’s no shortage of medical error and pharmaceutical holocaust to suggest otherwise. Take for instance, in 1957 in West Germany, up to 7,000 infants were born with phocomelia (severe malformation of the limbs) thanks to Thalidomide, a pharmaceutical drug that doctors recommended to pregnant women at the time. More than 10,000 cases of severe birth defects were reported around the world and only half the babies survived.

Psychiatric medication prescribed today is proven to cause similar problems, damaging children for life. Pregnancy is not a time to experiment with pharmaceutical drugs. It is a time for whole food nutrition and a calm, nurturing environment. The womb is not a dumping ground for chemicals and toxins that distort human development. The latest connection between pharmaceuticals and birth defects is with the ADHD drugs Ritalin, Concerta, and Daytrana. A new study from the Harvard Medical School shows that pregnant women who take these drugs are more likely to have babies with heart deformities and other birth defects.

For the study, 1.8 million U.S. pregnancies were examined. An appalling 5,571 pregnant women took amphetamine (Adderall) while another 2,072 took methylphenidate (Ritalin, Concerta, and Daytrana). Compared to women who did not take any drugs for ADHD, the women on methylphenidate were 11 percent more likely to give birth to a child with birth defects and 28 percent more likely to have a newborn with a heart malformation.

Why are doctors still advising pregnant mothers to use these drugs?

“Our findings suggest that there might be a small increase in the risk of cardiac malformations associated with intrauterine exposure to methylphenidate,” wrote lead study author Krista Huybrechts.

“Although the absolute risk is small, it is nevertheless important evidence to consider when weighing the potential risks and benefits of different treatment strategies for ADHD in young women of reproductive age and in pregnant women,” Huybrechts wrote.

The data replicated itself when the researchers investigated 2.5 million pregnant women from Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden. The association was prevalent, with babies put at a 28 percent higher risk of heart malformations when their pregnant mothers used stimulant ADHD drugs.

There is now an ADHD diagnosis hovering over the heads of three percent of children, teens, and adults worldwide. Addictive, stimulant methamphetamines are prescribed as the “treatment” and the addiction is plaguing women of childbearing age. The researchers advise pregnant women with mild symptoms of “ADHD” to avoid the use of these drugs during pregnancy. Enduring the withdrawal from these ADHD drugs is more important than having these chemicals damage a child for life.

For related articles on the dangers of modern medicine, read

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